Craze Pierce Securities Book 1 edition by Anne Conley Romance eBooks

Craze Pierce Securities Book 1 edition by Anne Conley Romance eBooks
I'd say 2.5 stars for this book. I'm a sucker for the woman on the run type stories, and there were some parts of the book that moved me. However, the flaws were too big to get past to make this a truly enjoyable story. (Spoilers below).My biggest problem with this book was that the heroine has a father (with whom she is very close) who is a retired cop. I get that she might not have wanted to worry him, but with both herself and her nephew in danger, any sane, intelligent person would have gone to someone she trusted for help. Her father would have been able to advise her, he'd have had contacts who would have protected her nephew, and been able to help get her to trusted people in law enforcement. I think the author basically shot her book in the foot with that one decision.
Next, her parents visit (to THE SAFE HOUSE) where they have to pretend to be a couple so her parents won't find out what happened? What kind of security agency (high-quality supposedly) would allow that? Listen, I know this is fiction, but really?
Also, although Ryan was good looking and occasionally charming, he ran so hot and cold throughout the story that it was uncomfortable to read. I swear, he had worse mood swings than an adolescent girl with PMS.
And last, the disturbing pieces that jumped in (pedophilia, snuff films, dog-poisoning, etc.) were so far out, that it was almost like a riding a roller coaster (OMG, that's horrible --- he wants her --- ugh, pedophile after nephew ----yay, sexy times---eww, snuff film---aw, cuddling----). Don't get me wrong, there needs to be suspense in a romantic suspense, but the situations were perhaps a bit too dark, the way they cut in a bit too jarring for me.

Tags : Craze (Pierce Securities Book 1) - Kindle edition by Anne Conley. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Anne Conley,Craze (Pierce Securities Book 1),Fiction Romance Military,Fiction Romance Suspense
Craze Pierce Securities Book 1 edition by Anne Conley Romance eBooks Reviews
This book was a surprisingly good book that I grabbed as a freebie on . I never read this author before and went into it a bit guarded as the reviews were mixed. One was complaining about a repetitive 'click click' which when I encountered it realized its the author's way of introducing another element and scenario where we rally are not sure if and when we are being watched and what is supposed to be private, how private is it?
The story has quiet a bit of twists and turns and deals with some really heavy issues and what a bunch of sickos are really out there.
So apart from the romance between two pretty well developed characters Krista and Ryan, our damsel with an attitude and our knight with some quirks, we are taken through some scenarios where you really just want to shut the blinds and remain inside admits truly a scary world out there.
I like how the story builds and when you believe you've reached it's just a small rest point and then you go higher and wider. Its a great start to the series and has you really looking for the follow up books in the series.
My only criticism is that it is a tad repetitive in some of the dialogue and thoughts as well a strong woman like Krista who just went through what she did, would have pulled Ryan in long before and gave him a piece of her mind. It was a bit confusing as they were clumsy in the relationship when their characters were so strong and opinionated ... She independent and bold while he an alpha and especially since he challenged his employer to be with her... Ehh
Putting that small issue aside it did not detract really from the nail biting and intense drama that built. A really good read!!
Usually, I swirl through pages of sex because usually writers seem to think that runs the plot, which it doesn't. However this book had plot interwoven and the sex felt a lot more meaningful, which kept my interest. It's an out and out thriller with plot twists, some stupidity, a little mental illness and a lot of family love. It is very fast paced but the time at the cabin really sounded wonderful. I'm looking forward to reading more by this author.
OMG! What an amazing book. It handled dark matter and I was thankful for the warning on it. Man, this was just beautiful, from beginning to end. And what made this a 5 star for me? The Click. Click. I wondered what was going on, and I just kept reading to figure it out because I was so intrigued, and loved the romance brewing. I knew it had to be important, and when it was revealed? I wanted to reach into my and destroy the villains for doing something so invasive, scary, and dark to the hero and heroine. This book was just beautiful from beginning to end, and I couldn't drop it until I finished.
Bravo, Anne. This was one that will not disappoint.
I couldn't get past the constant "click click" the author places in random dialogue and scenes. Not sure what that was supposed to do.Way too annoying and distracting to be a plot device. Also, a hole in continuity Security knows Krista's phone has been tapped yet they let her make calls and take with her to the hide out, only to say gosh, this was a bad idea. Ya think? Evan throws away Krista's phone, Ryan finds it out back where bad guy leaves it, Krista still uses it!!! The H and h come across as immature. Especially Krista who is irate because Ryan won't have sex while he protects her. Skimmed through the last half of book and am really happy I did. Ryan completely forgot about his dogs not being around only to learn from Quintin they were poisoned. No reaction. Bad guy comes to Karen's house, Ryan opens door and bad guy (middle aged, overweight, and looking crazed) reaches past Ryan and grabs Krista. Where are the ninja moves he's supposed to have as a body guard? Where's the body block, the pushing back of the guy so he Can't reach around Ryan who is bigger and stronger?
I'd say 2.5 stars for this book. I'm a sucker for the woman on the run type stories, and there were some parts of the book that moved me. However, the flaws were too big to get past to make this a truly enjoyable story. (Spoilers below).
My biggest problem with this book was that the heroine has a father (with whom she is very close) who is a retired cop. I get that she might not have wanted to worry him, but with both herself and her nephew in danger, any sane, intelligent person would have gone to someone she trusted for help. Her father would have been able to advise her, he'd have had contacts who would have protected her nephew, and been able to help get her to trusted people in law enforcement. I think the author basically shot her book in the foot with that one decision.
Next, her parents visit (to THE SAFE HOUSE) where they have to pretend to be a couple so her parents won't find out what happened? What kind of security agency (high-quality supposedly) would allow that? Listen, I know this is fiction, but really?
Also, although Ryan was good looking and occasionally charming, he ran so hot and cold throughout the story that it was uncomfortable to read. I swear, he had worse mood swings than an adolescent girl with PMS.
And last, the disturbing pieces that jumped in (pedophilia, snuff films, dog-poisoning, etc.) were so far out, that it was almost like a riding a roller coaster (OMG, that's horrible --- he wants her --- ugh, pedophile after nephew ----yay, sexy times---eww, snuff film---aw, cuddling----). Don't get me wrong, there needs to be suspense in a romantic suspense, but the situations were perhaps a bit too dark, the way they cut in a bit too jarring for me.

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